Relationship Between Institutional Child Support Intervention Systems and Child Delinquency: A Case of Selected Juvenile Rehabilitation Centers in Kabete Constituency Kiambu County Kenya

  • Virginia Mutahi King’ori Africa Nazarene University
  • Eric Osoro Africa Nazarene University
  • J. Ngure Africa Nazarene University
Keywords: Support,, reformation,, alleviating


Child delinquency is alarmingly increasing global phenomenon that is characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, where delinquents offend the society with their aggression and may harm themselves as well. Considerable resources have been deployed by governmental and non-governmental agencies trying to address the vice, only with dismal success. In spite of the efforts made by governments, psychologists, families and religious entities to curb child delinquency, there is still reported an exponential increase of the problem nationally and globally. For this reason, this study endeavored to establish the relationship between institutional child support intervention systems and child delinquency in Juvenile Rehabilitation Centers in Kabete, Kiambu County. The target population was 118 juvenile delinquents admitted in Kabete Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre (KJRC) and Dagoretti Girls Rehabilitation Centre (DGRC), managers, teachers/trainers and children welfare officers in the centers. The data was both qualitative and quantitative and was analyzed using SPSS 20. The study adopted cross-sectional and co-relational research design and used census method for sampling. Questionnaire was used for collecting data from juveniles and in-depth interview schedules on the centers’ staff. The study was guided by Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Pilot study was done in Tumaini Rehabilitation Center with 20 participants, where its result of Cronbach Alpha (α) = 0.76 qualified research instruments reliability. Research expert examined the content for criterion validity. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data. Tables were used to present the data while mean was used to show the distribution of data. Simple linear regression was used to test if there was any relationship between the child intervention systems and child delinquency. Institutional support was given to the delinquents through the academic programs, vocational training and administering of strict discipline in the center. Although the technical programs offered in the center are few and limited in scope, they have however significantly helped delinquents to find purpose in life. Findings indicated that there existed positive relationship between institutional support and rehabilitation of delinquent children (R=0.938, P<0.05). The study concluded that institutional support intervention systems played a significant role in the rehabilitation of delinquent children. It recommended introduction of secondary section and increase of variety of technical courses in the centers.

Author Biographies

Virginia Mutahi King’ori, Africa Nazarene University

Depart of Counseling Psychology

Eric Osoro, Africa Nazarene University

Depart of Counseling Psychology

J. Ngure, Africa Nazarene University

Depart of Counseling Psychology

How to Cite
Mutahi King’ori, V., Osoro, E., & Ngure, J. (2023). Relationship Between Institutional Child Support Intervention Systems and Child Delinquency: A Case of Selected Juvenile Rehabilitation Centers in Kabete Constituency Kiambu County Kenya. PAC University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 4(1), 18-30. Retrieved from