Knowledge Management in Academic Writing Tasks of Undergraduate Students in Selected Kenyan Universities

  • Jane Kinuthia PAC University
  • Josleen Rutere PAC University
Keywords: Academic writing, knowledge management, writing tasks, critical thinking


Being a critical component of learning in higher education in Kenya, academic writing has necessitated the Commission for University Education to suggest measures to regularize and standardize academic expectations that guide how institutions of higher learning manage this aspect of the study. Academic writing assignments are a measure of demonstrating acquisition of knowledge, development of critical thinking skills, as well as conceptualization and concretization of ideas through reading and writing. It has, therefore, been used over the years in form of assignments and research reports, especially in higher education. In the face of so much criticism in the recent past, ranging from negative attitudes to unethical practices among the students, this chapter seeks to illuminate this practice with a view of arguing that how knowledge is managed in institutions of higher learning has a huge role in influencing the realization of goals set for this academic space. The findings indicated that the practice of academic writing in institutions of higher learning is characterized by a myriad of challenges that may need to be addressed if students are to be adequately prepared. It also explores possible solutions that would enhance the credibility of writing tasks in higher education as a way of ensuring that Kenyan learners are provided with world-class standards in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. With the substantial expansion of higher education in Kenya, this study hopes that a conversation on acceptable standards of knowledge management would contribute to and revolutionize the academic undertakings of undergraduate students in Kenya and beyond.

Author Biographies

Jane Kinuthia, PAC University

Communications, Languages and Linguistics Department

Josleen Rutere, PAC University

University Library

How to Cite
Kinuthia, J., & Rutere, J. (2023). Knowledge Management in Academic Writing Tasks of Undergraduate Students in Selected Kenyan Universities. PAC University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 3(2), 1-14. Retrieved from