Evaluating Farmers Information Needs for Precision Farming in Kinangop Sub County, Kenya

  • Peter Obiria Department of Computing & IT, Pan Africa Christian University
  • Lawrence Nderu Department of Computing, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Keywords: Precision Farming, Data Analytics;, Machine Learning, Grounded Theory, Mixed Methods Triangulation


Current technological developments have seen innovations of pervasive gadgets able to generate a massive amount of data within and without their environment. Agriculture is one of these areas. However, the usage of such data for effective and timely decisions faces great challenges. Many small-scale farmers, though aware of such mechanisms, are not in a position to utilize these data; leading to a continued low return on investment. This study therefore, endeavored to evaluate farmers’ information needs to foster small-scale precision farming. With a survey, the data were collected, statistically analyzed and results discussed. Using mixed methods triangulation , the researchers implemented an interplay of two cycles of data collection and analysis, resulting into four high-level themes; including need for reliable information source, awareness, self-autonomy and technology proliferation as real problems facing small-scale farmers in Kinangop Sub County. This research could provide informed approach to farmers and government agencies on how to enact small-scale precision farming.

How to Cite
Obiria, P., & Nderu, L. (2021). Evaluating Farmers Information Needs for Precision Farming in Kinangop Sub County, Kenya. PAC University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 3(1), 56-70. Retrieved from https://journals.pacuniversity.ac.ke/index.php/PACUJASS/article/view/29